Harborside Health Center    

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    Out of the Shadows, Into the Light....   
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    As medical marijuana patients, we have all had to endure the fear and stigma imposed upon us by nearly seventy years of cannabis prohibition. Despite the recent legalization of medical cannabis in California and other states, the fear and stigma persist. Harborside Health Center is dedicated to healing the pain that stems from these destructive attitudes and feelings by providing a sensible alternative to the hysteria surrounding cannabis and by honoring you as a progressive and courageous force of change. We believe one way we may do that is to be conscious and respectful in all our interactions with our neighbors.

    Harborside Health Center believes each patient acts as an ambassador for the entire medical cannabis community. We want our fellow patients to feel cared for, to be recognized as important members of society, and to leave our facility inspired to be positive ambassadors for medical cannabis. Society is watching all of us to determine if medical cannabis is safe and sensible. If we dedicate ourselves to being such positive ambassadors for medical cannabis, our communities will begin to embrace us instead of being suspicious of us. The perception of medical cannabis will then be transformed, and the stigma associated with it will be eliminated.

    Harborside Health Center sees this as the key for achieving safe and legal access to medical cannabis for all suffering and sick Americans. We invite you to join us in building a kinder and more compassionate world, and thank you for your efforts.



    We offer free classes on Alexander Technique and how to grow your own medicine every week.

    We offer free Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Hypnotherapy, Naturopathy, Reiki, and Yoga sessions.

    We have all of our distributed medicine lab tested for safety and potency.

    We have a Patient Activist Resource Center with all the necessary resources to fill out online forms, write letters, or make phone calls pertinent to the movement.